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NIH Grant Writing Workshop

This workshop is designed for established investigators from any research Institution in Brazil who may have interest and/or consider preparing and submitting grant proposals to NIH funding opportunities. It will take place after the II Fiocruz-NIAID symposium on November 5 from 3:30pm to 5;30pm.

This short (2-hour long) workshop will be presented by NIH Program Officers and NIH-funded investigators and will provide a general overview of the NIH grant writing and submission process, approaching the following topics: 

“Demystifying the NIH Grant Process”

The NIH Grant Process:

  • NIAID research concepts, development of priorities and funding opportunity development
  • Development of a grant application for NIH
  • The grant submission process: foreign eligibility, administrative steps
  • The NIH peer review process, including what reviewers look for and upcoming changes
  • How to interpret summary statements, how to find contacts at NIH
  • Panel Discussion and Q&A, with Panel (5-6 Members) Including: NIAID Program Officers, NIH-funded investigators (including Brazilian investigators with successful NIH grant applications) and investigators who have served as NIH peer reviewers 

Don’t miss this opportunity! Apply using the form below: the workshop will take place in-person at the Maria Sylvia Nunes Theater (“Estação das Docas”). Virtual participation will be available (link will be made accessible later on, on this page)


Day 2 – Tuesday, November 5 2024
NIH Grant Writing Workshop
3.30 – 3.35Introductory RemarksLeonardo Carvalho, Vinicius Cotta de Almeida 
3.35 – 4.25Demystifying the NIH Grant Process Speaker Anuja Mathew (Scientific Review Officer, Immunology Review Branch, NIH/NIAID)
4.25 – 5.20Panel Discussion and Q&AGlen McGugan (virtual), Program Officer, Division of Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases (DMID), NIH/NIAIDLee Hall (virtual) Chief, Parasitology & International Programs Branch DMID NIH/NIAIDAnuja Mathew NIH/NIAIDGregory Lanzaro, Professor, University of California Davis Luiz C. J. Alcantara IRR-Fiocruz/UFMG, Belo HorizonteHelder Nakaya Albert Einstein Hospital, São Paulo
5:20 – 5:30Wrap-up and Closing RemarksLee Hall (virtual) NIH/NIAID


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